When discussing mental health, the common perception often associates it with sadness, tension, and stress, creating a somewhat gloomy image. Unfortunately, mental health is not frequently depicted as being sound, healthy, and mindful, as it ideally should be.
Upon the launch of Project Pahal, it received both appreciation and concern regarding how children could comprehend such a weighty concept. As a mental health professional, I observed that as adults, we tend to complicate matters and avoid discussing certain issues, making them difficult to understand. However, children possess an openness and willingness to learn, like any new experience, without the walls of prejudice that adults often build. Therefore, targeting young minds for their well-being is essential, as they can grasp and take charge of what benefits their growth and mental health.

Regardless of age, cultivating a healthy mindset is crucial for personal development, enabling individuals to make informed decisions and choices. When envisioning a better India, it is the young minds that hold promise, and thus, the focus should begin with them. The decision was made to work with children studying in municipal schools, recognizing the lack of mental health professionals and counsellors in these settings. Privileged private schools often have better resources and support systems, but it is crucial not to neglect the potential in children from less fortunate backgrounds, who only need the right opportunities to excel.
Observing the rising crime rates, with many offenses committed by young individuals, we must examine the root causes. Research on criminals often reveals a history of childhood trauma and abuse, highlighting the significant impact of one’s upbringing on their choices and actions. A person’s beliefs, environment, and experiences shape their behaviour and decisions, influencing their contributions to society.
To build a truly developed nation, we must focus on nurturing the right mindset, as it forms the foundation for progress. Our society must be safe and supportive, promoting positive values and attitudes. It’s essential to align our intentions and actions, not just in our outward lifestyle but also in our thoughts and attitudes.
Addressing child mental health should not be treated as a new trend but rather as a crucial need. Just as we previously hesitated to discuss menstruation with adolescents, it is never too early to teach correct practices or too late to correct wrong ones.
Ultimately, individuals are responsible for their choices, the company they keep, and the content they consume. This is why initiatives like Project Pahal are crucial in shaping young minds who will eventually contribute to society.
कही न कही, बच्चो को मुफ़्त का शिक्षण देने में हम सक्षम है, पर एक समाज के तोर पे उम्दा सोच दने में असक्षम साबित होते है |
During a session under the Mental Health Project, a girl highlighted the importance of open communication about emotions, as it could potentially prevent many problems and acts of violence.
By prioritizing mental health awareness and fostering a positive mindset from an early age, we can lay the groundwork for a healthier, more prosperous society.

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